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Hot off the Press

Keeping up to date with all WADAOS News and Information

Updated: Jan 25

Congratulations to all members on their castings for our next play "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" We are very exited to get started on this one so stay tuned!

One Flew over Cast List 2024

Congratulations to Craig Norendal who is playing the part of R P McMurphy, Emma Jarvis playing Nurse Ratchet , Jason Fleming as Billy Bibbit, and Jae Wilson as Bromden.

Our production team consists of James Last our Director, and Tracy McOuat our Co-Director.

Special thanks to our audition panel James Last, Tracy McOuat, Lynn McTiffin, and Ryan Parrish. Well done to all who auditioned, you were amazing, and we hope you are all happy with your parts!

The first rehearsal will be held on the 15th January, not long away! See you all there!


Updated: Jan 3

Seasons Greetings!

As we take our well earned rest here at WADAOS we would like to wish you all a very merry and peaceful Christmas wherever you are, to our current and former members, and to those no longer with us we remember them.

See you all in the New year when we shall start work once more on another production, that as always we are sure will be a huge success!

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