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Hot off the Press

Keeping up to date with all WADAOS News and Information


Hi to you all. So i'm Laura, and in this Production I'm playing Nun Number 7. She's quite an Edgy Nun. Who knows if shes meant to be but I'm running with it haha. Sister Act has had many ups and downs from the beginning of Rehearsals back in September, Members of Production having other commitments and the songs being super hard to learn to faces old and new joining together to entertain you all, the laughs and friendships being built and growing stronger, but we have and are still working super hard to bring you all an Amazing, Uplifting and Funny Show.

The Production Team and the Committee have strived to make this an unforgettable production and I'm so excited to be a part of it. Bless our Show and Bless you all. Peace out <3

The Cast of Sister Act


I lead a busy musical life involving conducting (musicals, brass bands, orchestras, plus, from 1997 to 2005, opera productions) as well as playing and teaching mostly in the south of the county. I am a pianist and saxophonist, but also enjoy playing in brass bands.

My conducting career began in 1989 with Sweet Charity in Millom Palladium, followed by numerous productions there as well as in Workington, Whitehaven, Marport, Barrow and Penrith, noteably West Side Story, Jesus Christ Superstar, Buddy, Anything Goes and most recently Starlight Express.

I am sure Sister Act will be most successful and a very entertaining week.

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