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Folded Newspapers

Hot off the Press

Keeping up to date with all WADAOS News and Information

Jae Wilson (Bromden)

One of our principles in this production is Jae Wilson. He has performed with WADAOS for many years and is a valued member of our cast. This time around his character is a little different and it fits him very well indeed. You don't want to miss his permanence as Bromden in our production of 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest this year!


Today we bring to you two more photographs that we have added to our archives. We have one from 'The Gondoliers 1962, and one from our 1963 performance of 'Pirates of the Penzance'. Here they are...

THE GONDOLIERS 1962. “I am a Courtier Grave and Serious” Gordon McKee (The Duke of Plaza Toro) teaches Jack Park (Marco) and Richard Cradduck (Guiseppe) how to behave royally!

PIRATES 1963 7 Chorus of Police with John McGuffie as the Sergeant.

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